
Red Armored Dual Wielding Elf

Here's a piece I recently finished. Friend of mine whom I game with handed me this miniature and asked if I could do this up in some Roman type fashion...he had some Red Motif in mind...I was thinking more like the guy in Gladiator that played the Emperor that fought Maximus in the end of the movie...a white type of armor motif. I initially did the piece up in white with shades of Grey thrown in. Took pics of it and he indicated that he was looking for a red motif...ok...no prob. White was basically a primer anyways. Again like most my mini's I painted in Enamels. Model Master(MM) British Crimson & Insignia Red FS31136 were my primary colors.

Took me a couple of runs at the face but got it pretty well...didn't care for how the mouth came out though...but unfortunately I don't have the piece anymore to update it. Most of the armor sections were done up in the Insignia Red and the pants and shirt and blousings on the arms were done in the Crimson. The belts around the boots, armor trim and the waist were done up with a mix of Burnt Umber(MM) and the Crimson. Washed some of that same mix in some of the grooves of the armor and shadowed here and there. Its a bit harder to shadow with enamels than from what I gather with Acrylics...thus the reason why most of my pieces aren't shadowed...allowing the normal fall of any light source to accent the piece. Testors(T) 1182 Brass was used for the belt buckle and hilts and pommels on both the swords...also used on the hilt and pommel of the boot dagger. Leather (MM) was used for the hand grips of the swords that weren't covered up by the hands...also used on the sheath for the boot dagger. Used Gloss Silver (T) touch up on the swords after I ran the edge of an X-acto knife across the surfaces to give them a shiny edge to them. The hair was done up in a mix of Yellow(T), Gold (T), & Military Brown (MM FS30117), thinned to give a little run thru better.

The miniature as far as I can discern is a Drow or Dark Elf piece, as evident by the spider belt buckle. But painting it in Brass actually gave it a different flair in my opinion.



This miniature i painted for a friend of mine...this one is a Reaper Miniature:
2575: Cleo Goldpaws, Weretigress by Sandra Garrity

First time I painted a mini that had more than one tone of colors...the black stripes on the orange body...with white fur area. Came out pretty well...even the foilage for the base came out nice. Simple way of doing the foilage. Get yourself a box like the box that miniatre is sitting on...put about a half a Centimeter depth of the foilage you're going to be using into it. Using a dark earth tone color, lay a heavy coat on the base...becareful not to hit the rest of the miniature..feet..boots. While still wet, dip the miniature, base first, into the foilage...make sure you coat the base well...pull out of foilage but not out of the box...turn sideways and with a paint brush handle or something solid that you can tap on the side of the base with to shake off the excess back into the box. If you're lucky...some of that darker earth tone color will show through like say dirt.

This was taken with my cell phone camera...not the best of quality picture.


To display or not to display....

Mini's by Toby...the thoughts that some people might be thinking.

Setting the record straight...

As a hobby, I paint fantasy/sci-fi era metal/plastic miniatures....25mm scale size mostly...but other scales as well if I feel interested in painting something different. I've been doing this hobby for quite some time now...over 15 years at least...some people say i'm good at it...with this blog, i might be saying, you be the judge. Soon as I can gather some, i'll post a picture or two or three of some of my past work or current projects.